About Palmyra Chapter No. 2

Palmyra Chapter No. 2, Royal Arch Masons, was first instituted by the General Grand Chapter of the United States, October 4, 1836, and subsequently it received its charter from the same authority September 14, 1838. Afterwards, in 1846, the Grand Chapter of Missouri was organized, and October 16, 1847, it received its second charter from the Grand Chapter of the State. Under its first charter the original members were William Gwynn, Judge Ezra Hunt, Fred A. Wise, John L. McGee, Shubael Avery, L. A. McGee, Sam A. Bower, William P. Richardson, Josiah Warner, A. L. Perrin, Colman Bean. Under the organization of 1847, the charter members were Parker Dudley, A. D. Sprague, H. Drescher, Stanton Buckner, Carty Wells, G. A. Kiger, Nick Wernick, S. W. B. Carnegy, and others. Under the first charter Wm. Gwynn was high priest; Ezra Hunt, king; and Fred A. Wise, scribe. Under the charter of 1847, Parker Dudley was high priest; A. D. Sprague, king; Henry Drescher, scribe. The hall is of brick and was built in partnership with Palmyra Lodge No. 18, in 1866, at a cost of $7,000. The present membership is 27.

The ruins of Palmyra from the old Grand Chapter Lecture Slides....

The Ruins of Palmyra

In the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Missouri, Article VIII, Powers of the Grand Chapter; Section A it states that “Palmyra Chapter No. 2, because of its historical significance to the Grand Chapter of Missouri, is hereby designated an historical Chapter for the purpose of serving as a single repository for educational material, printed materials, videos, films or any other media having historical reference to the Royal Arch in Missouri except for those files in use by the Grand Secretary or Grand Treasurer in the performance of their Statutory duties. Governance of Palmyra Chapter No. 2 shall be as stipulated in the Standing Resolution as adopted May 14, 2004, and amended May 20, 2005, and such other by-laws as may be adopted by the membership and approved by the Grand High Priest. (Adopted May 20, 2005, Amended May 19, 2006)

Standing Resolution No. 2, adopted on May 14, 2004 states “Palmyra Chapter No. 2, Royal Arch Masons Historical Palmyra Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. received its original charter from the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, September 14, 1838. A second charter was granted from the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, State of Missouri, in 1848.

Palmyra Chapter No.2, R.A.M. was one of the organizing chapters of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, State of Missouri.

Palmyra Chapter has been in a state of disarray for several years. Because of its historical significance, we feel it must be preserved.


It is proposed that Palmyra Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. be given a research and an educational function. We propose that it become a storehouse for Royal Arch and York Rite educational material to be distributed to Master Masons in the State of Missouri. The educational material would include not only printed papers but also videos and films. It could also be a source of historical documents (old charters, seals and other pertinent files). Another valuable application would be a provision for Royal Arch references such as the Denslow collections of books and pamphlets and for other collections written by other Missouri Masonic authors.

A possible home for this material might be within the proposed Library of the Missouri Lodge of Research to be located in Columbia.

It is also proposed that a governing body of Palmyra Chapter No. 2 be composed of the Past Grand High Priests of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, State of Missouri. A line of succession would start with the current senior Past Grand High Priest. Committee members would also be selected from that pool of senior Past Grand High Priests. The current Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary could function in their respective capacities to provide administrative expertise.

An annual meeting hour could be at a time during the Grand Chapter session. A separate account would be established by the Grand Treasurer for Palmyra Chapter No. 2. Current members would be grandfathered in a current dues structure. New members will be: 23 Past Grand High Priests, to become Life Members of Palmyra Chapter No. 2 at cost of the Grand Chapter; current Grand High Priest, life membership paid by the Grand Chapter of Missouri upon his taking office; Honorary Memberships to be sold for $50.00; Life Memberships to be sold for $500.00. Current cost to Grand Chapter would be $12,000.00.

Membership will receive quarterly newsletter, certificate of membership, and a dues card. Life Members will receive one time issue of credit card style dues card with picture and current Grand Chapter title. Replacement cards will be charged at cost.

Details of operation and precise functions remain to be developed.”


HIGH PRIESTMEC Robert Ricard Anderson, Jr.
TreasurerMEC Russell S. Hanson
SecretaryREC Donald MacCormick
Captain of the HostMEC Roy Lavern Gilkey
Principal SojournerMEC Loren Dale Lloyd
Royal Arch CaptainMEC John William Siscel, III
Master of the 3rd VeilMEC Jerry Lynn Miles
Master of the 2nd VeilMEC David Lee Leirer
Master of the 1st VeilMEC Kyle R. Palacios


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